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Simple to Learn yet Powerful Concrete Estimating Template

  • Automatic formulas total your costs for:

    • Material​

    • Labor

    • Equipment

    • Subcontractor

  • Includes separate summary page to add Tax, Burden, O&P, Bond

  • Notifies you when Formulas have been deleted by Error

  • Bonus Free Concrete Calculator



Concrete is one of the most complex divisions in construction to estimate.

There are many parts and pieces that need to be estimated for, and they are not clearly shown in drawings most of the time.

Thankfully, we have created a template that makes Concrete Takeoffs much easier. This is not a program or software that you have to spend days learning. It has been designed to be used right after downloading, with a very minimal learning curve.

The Concrete Estimate Template will automatically total all your costs after you plug in the unit prices.

It will also automatically fill out a summary page with all your Material, Labor, Equipment and Subcontract totals, allowing you to add Taxes, O&P and more!





1.            Delete all data in ONLY the Grey Cells prior to each new estimate. Make sure you DON'T accidentally delete any white cell data in the table, as they contain formulas! Deleted cells will turn RED.          

2.            Only Fill out GREY Cells in the Table and Above Table Sections! Filling out white cells WILL DELETE the FORMULAS.                        

3.            All Cells that have a Red Mark on the top right have instructions. Hover your mouse over these cells to see the comments.                                                                                

4.            The "Total" row at the bottom of the Table will automatically update with the sums of the columns.                                                                           

5.            The "Bid Summary" Tab (see bottom of page) will automatically update all numbers in the white cells. You will need to manually add the following in the grey cells: "Overhead & Profit" and "Bond"

6.            The "Concrete Calculator" Tab can be used for Takeoffs Enter values in the Grey box and the calculator will automatically give you values for CY, Surface Area, Wall Area & Perimeter.          

7.            Last but not least, always check your formulas! If you suspect a formula is damaged or missing, you can copy it from below and paste it back in the appropriate column.                                                                                                                                 

               Total [M]             =[@Qty]*[@[$/Unit '[M']]]                                                      

               Total [L]               =IF([@[Unit/MH]]>0,(PRODUCT([@MH],[@[$/MH'[L']]])),)

               Total [E]              =[@Qty]*[@[$/Unit '[E']]]           

               Total [S]               =[@Qty]*[@[$/Unit '[S']]]

               Total Cost           =SUM([@[Total '[M']]]+[@[Total '[L']]]+[@[Total '[E']]]+[@[Total'[S']]])

Concrete Estimating Template


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